“And When Jesus Saw Their Faith…”

And when Jesus saw their faith… (Mark 2:5)
Four men carried a paralytic to the house in Capernaum where Jesus was preaching the word. So many had gathered together and around that there was no more room, not even at the door. A paralyzed man outside, an astounding miracle-worker inside, but no way to get through the door to reach Jesus.
And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (2:4-5)
“Jesus saw their faith.” Take a few moments to think about that powerful phrase today.
If faith is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb 11:1), what these men were hoping for was clear. Their conviction concerning things they had not seen was evident. And that’s how their faith came to be on full display that day. They cut through the crowd to a point where they could climb up on top of the roof. They made an opening and lowered that paralyzed man down right in front of Jesus. Why? Because even though they had never seen anything like a paralyzed man walking, they believed Jesus of Nazareth could make a difference in that paralytic’s life.
The assurance of things hoped for continues to shine distinctively bright in this hope-starved world. The conviction of things not seen is starkly evident as it shapes the selfless actions of men and women whose faith in Jesus is strong.
“Jesus saw their faith.” It changed the life of a paralyzed man. It led an anxious crowd to glorify God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” And the account has been preserved by God for 2,000 years that we might continue to see and be inspired by their faith on that ordinary day in Capernaum.
“Jesus saw their faith.” Will he see my faith today? Will the fruit of my faith positively impact the people around me? Will my light so shine before others that they may see my good works and give glory to my Father who is in heaven? If not, why not?
“Jesus saw their faith.” May the testimony of what we are hoping for be undimmed, focused, and unashamed today. May the conviction of things we have not seen be steadfast and strong within us. And may God be glorified as our faith in him is selflessly displayed.
“Jesus saw their faith.” He continues to see. Let’s make him proud by the way we live today.