Our Bible Classes

Every Sunday at 10:45 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM, we have Bible classes for all ages–from as early as 6-months old, to the most senior of adults. The aim of these classes is to help ordinary people learn more about the extraordinary God who created us and his good will for our lives.

Throughout the 2024 Summer quarter, adults have four different options on Sunday mornings:

On Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM, adults are engaged in our Summer Series:

We’re also excited to offer a wide range of Bible classes for children of all ages.

In our Bible classes, you’ll meet people just like you, from all walks of life, who are simply interested in growing to be more like Jesus. We believe that hearts of all ages need to be shaped by fundamental truths from God’s word:

  • A grasp of the “big picture” of the Bible
  • Respect for authority
  • A sincere commitment to personal purity
  • Solid reasons for faith and hope
  • The ability to make wise choices
  • A “God-first, others-next” way of thinking
  • A developing connection with Jesus

At Charlestown Road, we’re working hard to build a quality Bible class program. We invite you to come and experience firsthand the great benefits that Bible-centered learning can offer you and your family.