Jump Start #3648

Jump Start # 3648
Acts 17:26 “and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and te boundaries of their habitation.”
Zager and Evans are not household names, even in the world of music which they were a part of. In many ways, they were one hit wonders. In the summer of 1969, they had a rhythmic song about the future of mankind. It was a dreadful look at how technology was going to reshape and change the landscape of humanity. The song journeys through 10,000 years. The song, “In the year 2525,” soared to number 1 on the charts. There are eight verses in the song. Starting with the year 2525, the song marches through the years 3535, 4545, 5555, 6565, 7510, 8510 and ends with 9595. The sixth verse, in the year 7510, the song says, “If God’s a-comin’, He ought to make it by then. Maybe He’ll look around himself and say, ‘Guess it’s time for the judgment day.’”
In the year 2525, that’s just a little over 500 years from now. That seems like forever from where we stand. But looking backward, 500 years ago, was 1524—the heart of the Reformation Movement was going strong. Luther had already been excommunicated by the Catholic church, stood strong at the Diet of Worms, and was trying to calm down the riots during the Peasants’ War. I have stood in castles and palaces that were built then and some, even older.
And, just 500 years before that, was the year 1024— the year that Conrad II, became the king of Germany, and later was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor. Historical details about 1024 are very hard to find. Would the common villagers back then ever thought that there would be a 2024? Life for most was merely survival. Harsh conditions, frequent plagues, poor sanitary conditions and common wars kept the life expectancy in the mid-30s for most people. Communication outside the villages was rare. Life was hard for those people.
And, when we flip these numbers around, it is hard for us to imagine there will be a 3024. What will life look like? It is beyond our thinking. Someone in their 90s today, has witnessed so many changes in their life. In communications, medical field, technology, robotics, transportation, media, the advancements have been at thoroughbred speed.
All of these thoughts flow easily into our verse today. Here are some observations:
First, it is hard for one generation, let alone, a century or two, to understand another generation. Senior citizens have a hard time understanding teens. That has always been a problem. Whether it was the length of hair in the 60s, or being glued to a cell phone in our times, one generation doesn’t get the next generation. Within the church, this can lead to battle lines being drawn. The senior saints want the timeless old hymns sung. The younger crowd leans toward the faster paced newer songs. The older crowd carries old, worn out Bibles. The younger crowd pulls the Bible up on their phone app. Rather than appreciating the treasure of experience and wisdom from the older crowd and the energy and passion from the younger crowd, it is easy for a church to splinter based upon generational factors.
To avoid this, shepherds must work well to mingle the sheep together. The senior saints need to invite some of the teens over for a bite to eat. The teens need to sit with the older crowd. Realizing that we are on the same side and that we both bring a mountain of good, tap into those resources and make the most of them.
Second, we are here because God wants us here. Why were we not born in 1524, or 1024? Or, even the year 24? That was up to God. Here we are and here we must put a stake down for the Lord. Our work is now. We must use all the tools that we have and do all that we can for the glory of God. The Lord has put us here for a reason and it is to that reason that we live and move in Him. David served the purpose of God in his generation and we must do the same. We can do more, faster and farther than people did in the 1500s or 1000s. That is a great blessing for us. We can reach more people than ever before.
Third, although the times have changed so much, we still have the same basic needs and fight the same basic battles. We must deal with sin, raise our families to be godly and walk with the Lord daily. That hasn’t changed and that will never change. We need strong congregations today. We need godly leaders. We need to find ways to keep people connected to the Lord.
“In the year 7510, if God’s a comin’ He ought to make it by then” I hope so. I’m ready for the Lord to come now. How about you?
Cool song. Cool thought. And, through all those years, ups and downs, great highlights and dark and depressing stories, the Lord has been watching and ruling and been kind and gracious and forgiving. And one day, it will be the last day for this place. Are you ready?