Jump Start #3657

Jump Start # 3657
Acts 13:36 “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers, and underwent decay.”
His name was Lee, and he was my friend. He was one of three shepherds that invited me to come and work with the people of God in New Albany more than sixteen years ago. He was a businessman. He was a gifted leader. He was a friend of God. Multiple times, he opened up his home for gatherings. Always learning, he brought a fresh perspective to the eldership. He led a group of men in a mentoring program that he paid for out of his own pocket. The family sold the business that he and his brothers operated for decades. And because of that, he had the two elements that most people long for in life—time and money.
Oh, the things we’d like to do, if we only had the time. Life can be so busy. Places we’d like to go, books we’d like to read, things we’d like to do, but there are too many other things requiring our time. Some, have the time, but they do not have the resources. Tight budgets limits what they can do. To have both the time and the money, wouldn’t that be nice!
Lee had them both. Retired, he now had the time. Selling the family business, he now had the resources. Instead of spending his days in a boat fishing or on a golf course, or even jet setting around the world, he decided to go back to school. He earned an MBA. Not just any MBA, but an MBA in entrepreneurship. When I heard that I wondered a loud to him, “Why? You are already an entrepreneur.” But, he had plans. He had a dream and a goal.
He went to a small college in Florida and started teaching business classes. He spent his time touching hearts and shaping young minds to enter the complex business world with godliness and righteousness. His days were spent teaching demanding college classes, writing lesson plans, grading papers, studying, research, sitting in meetings and listening to the complaints and excuses of young people. Most would run from that. His example touched more lives than his actual teaching. He didn’t need to teach. He didn’t need the money. He had spent a lifetime working. Most would say, it’s time to slow down, catch your breath and do what you want to do. He was doing just that, what he wanted to do.
I’ve come to believe that it’s in the DNA of that family. His parents impacted so many lives through their years of godly living. One of his brothers, who also retired with him, took up preaching. Not an life of leisure nor the dream that many retirees would want.
A few days ago, the Lord called Lee home. It was quick, unexpected and shocking to all that knew him. His family and friends gathered to remember a life well lived. A school paused to honor a dedicated servant. A church saw the steps of a good man.
It was said that his heart went bad, but we know better. His heart, in many ways, was so much better than ours. Medically, there was a problem. But, spiritually, there was such an amazing example. How many of us reach retirement age, and decide to spend the rest of our time playing and doing what we feel like doing? With time, talent, opportunity and often, resources, how much of a gift senior saints could be to a home congregation. But the problem is, they are rarely home. They on the road, sightseeing and having fun.
Our verse today reminds us that David served the purpose of God in his generation. Maybe we don’t have the energy we once did. Maybe we can’t do all that we once did. However, when I think about my friend, Lee, and the choices he made, it sure makes one wonder if we have just laid down the sword and given the kingdom to others. There are a lot of congregations that could sure use the wisdom of older Christians. There are a lot of places that need godly shepherds. Can’t do it, some say. Gotta run to the beach. Then, gotta visit a few parks. Then gotta see the grandkids. Then gotta watch some TV.
Most would say, why? However, my Lee saw it as a grand opportunity to teach young hearts the Biblical way of navigating in today’s business environment. Paul told the Philippians, “Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near” (4:5). Those that got in the vicinity of Lee were made better because of his gentle spirit.
I am so thankful that I worked with him and beside him for so many years. I loved his ideas that he brought to the table. I loved his tender heart and compassionate way of helping people. I was strengthened to see him stand with the Lord.
Finding ways to help others. That’s what this is all about. Help guide young preachers. Help those newly married couples. Help those young parents. Help in leading God’s people. The rest that God promises follows a labor that we have been committed to. I wonder if some need no rest, because they have so rarely labored in the kingdom. Oh, they’ve been busy, just busy doing what they felt like and what they wanted to do.
Selfless, serving, committed—that’s the way Jesus was. That’s the way I’ll always remember Lee as.
Our lives intersected, and I was made the better.
Thank you, Lord.