Jump Start #3748

Jump Start # 3748
Matthew 13:16 “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.”
It was a simple lunch outing with one of our brothers. We do that often here. It’s a great chance to really get to know one another and to connect on greater levels. We talked, laughed, shared insights. But, before we were finished, he asked if he could run out to his car and bring something to show me. He came in with a large backpack filled with several three ring binders. He pulled one out to show me. On the cover was a piece of paper he had written in large letters: 2020 Podcasts. It was filled with pages from a yellow tablet, with handwritten notes on both sides of the page. I flipped through that notebook. He had listened to every one of our podcasts and had taken notes on what was important to him. Pages and pages and pages of notes.
He pulled out another notebook. It was from another year, but the same thing. Tons of handwritten notes from our podcasts. Then he smiled and pulled out another notebook. It was titled, JUMP STARTS. Listed by number and dated, he had something written from each Jump Start. He told me that since covid, he began the practice of reading a Jump Start every morning and writing three sentences about something he learned or saw. He had pages of those kind of things. Notebook after notebook. Pages after pages. I had no idea. I was overwhelmed. He had never told me.
I came back to the office and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I realize that we crank out volumes and volumes of material in this congregation, but, I have often wondered, is anyone reading this stuff? Is any of this doing any good? It made me think about Elijah hiding in his cave, thinking he was the only one true to the Lord, and God said that there were thousands that had not bowed the knee to Baal. Thousands. Elijah had no idea. Elijah didn’t know. And, here was a brother right among us, and quietly he was filling notebooks and saving the truths that we have been teaching week after week.
Here are some things to remember:
First, preachers and teachers of God’s word often have no idea how much we are appreciated and the good that we have done. Now, if not careful, that can fill our heads with hot air, and we can become arrogant. But, most of us never realize the value of the work that we have done. Another sermon. Another class. Another article. Another blog. Another podcast. We crank these things out every week. Week after week. And, without realizing this, there is that young disciple who you have encouraged. There is that older Christian and you answered a question he has wondered about for years. There is that lukewarm Christian and he goes home determined to do better. There is that precious heart that saves every paper, every bulletin, every class material that you have printed. Steadily faith has grown. The work has not been in vain.
Second, my brother who I went out to eat with told me that he shares so many of these Jump Starts with his family and friends. Isn’t this true of so many. We can look at a congregation and think no one is doing anything. It’s easy to think that evangelism is dead and lifeless. But, this person is posting things from the church on her Facebook page. Another is copying and sending an email to a co-worker. Another is using a copy of a recent Bible class material to study with a friend. The word is being spread deep and far. We just do not see it. And, we don’t have to. The Lord knows. The good that is done becomes a major team effort. The preacher does his work. But, it’s the sharing by others to a network of people that the preacher doesn’t know. He doesn’t need to know. The importance is getting the message in whatever form out to as many as possible.
Third, when I looked at all those notebooks that my brother brought in, I realized how much work he had poured into those things. He saved them because they were important to him. God bless those who have ears to hear, as our good Savior said. Bless those who can write and produce quality material. But, bless those who share that material to a world that needs to know our Lord.
Thank you, my friend, Kevin. You encouraged me without realizing it. You taught me a lesson. I am thankful for your kind. Quiet. Faithful. Connected. Doing what you can. And, together, that’s how we help the kingdom grow. My part. Your part. The Lord’s part. And, when all those parts come together, wonderful things take place.
As Paul’s spirit was refreshed by Titus, mine has been refreshed and encouraged by you.
Thank you,