Jump Starts Daily

Jump Start #3749

Jump Start # 3749

Ephesians 4:24 “and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.”

  The core quality of a disciple is that he is a learner. The word disciple is commonly translated as a pupil or a student. Twice in the Ephesian letter, the word “learn” is found. First, in Ephesians 4:20, “but you did not learn Christ in this way.” Then, a second time, Ephesians 5:10, “trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.”

  Learning facts. Learning doctrine. Learning principles. Learning how the Bible works. Learning about Jesus. Learning how to grow. Learning character. The disciple is always learning. He becomes a fountain of not just information, but also quality living. He lives like Jesus.

  Our verse today, describes it as a “new self.” It’s a new self created in the likeness of God. The new self looks like God. And, in this we find one of the beautiful aspects of discipleship. We become a show model of God’s character. In us, and through us, the likeness of God is illustrated for others.

  I have a fairly new pickup. I still take it to the dealership for oil changes. I could probably get that work done cheaper elsewhere, but I like taking it where I got it. As I wait for the oil change, I sit in a waiting room that is just off of the showroom. There, sparkling, brand new cars, still to invite and entice customers to buy. They have all the options, features and just enough to make one want to open the door, sit inside. Smiling salesmen come running to talk to you about how that beautiful car could be yours. Just sign a few papers and it becomes a done deal.

  Those showroom cars never have smeared finger prints on the windows. You won’t find a French fry on the  backseat or an empty coffee cup in the holder. Even the tires on those showroom cars look bright and clean. There are some lessons for us from all of this:

  First, as we put on the new self, we must realize that we, ourselves are still a work in progress. There are spots that need to be shined. There are things we must continue to battle and work through. There are things yet to be learned.

  Our image needs to reflect Christ, while remaining humble and admitting that we are still on our journey. Someone who drives up to the dealership, and his old clunker rattles and shakes and a blue cloud fills the air behind him. His car is littered with trash. The car only gets washed when it rains. It’s a mess. And, the owner looks at one of those beautiful cars in the showroom and shakes his head because he knows his car will never look like that. And, that is the impression some may have of us. They may see us as perfect. Never making a mistake. Never having a bad day. Never having to apologize. Always together. Always bringing the best. And, the person who sees that in us, just shakes his head and walks away because he knows he can never be like us.

  This is not to say that we ought to rub some dirt on us so others can relate to us. Not at all. We need to remind others that we too were nothing but a broken down piece of junk until Jesus got a hold of us. All of us can change. All of us can be righteous. All of us can be cleansed. That’s the hope. That’s the promise of God.

  When that demon possessed man went home to his people, telling them how Jesus had changed his life, he was a before and after picture. That’s what we are.

  Some may be ashamed to ask a question. Some may fear making a mistake. The atmosphere you put them in can help overcome that or it can only make it worse.

  Second, the likeness of God that we put on isn’t something that is exclusive to only a few people. Anyone can do that. It’s that journey through the Bible that will shape and change your hearts. The rough edges of selfishness are smoothed out. The dirt of anger and hatred are washed away. We start thinking like Jesus. We start acting like Jesus. And, in time, changes take place through us and in us.

  Third, the purpose of those showroom cars is to appeal to a person to purchase one. The dealership is not the same as a car museum. In museums, the items are collected and kept. In a dealership, cars are meant to be sold. We are a showroom of God’s character. We are not a keeper of a museum. I have been to some of the greatest museums in the world, including the Smithsonian, the Vatican museum, the British museum, the Louvre, the Israeli museum and seen some of the greatest treasures of this planet. Look but you cannot touch. Look but you cannot have. Look and only look is what you do in a museum.

  The principle of discipleship is becoming. You take. You learn. You are. And, that’s the hope people need to see. Your marriage could be better if you follow Christ. Your worry could be lessened if you follow Christ. Your outlook could be brighter if you followed Christ. Your confidence, your hope your purpose is all altered if you follow Christ.

  Don’t just look at Christ. Don’t just learn Christ. But, rather, become like Christ. Be holy, as He is holy, Peter writes. The one, John writes, who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked (1 Jn 2:6).

  Inviting others to become—that’s what disciples do. A showroom of God’s character.
