Get Plugged Into a Small Group for 2019
One of the biggest blessings to our church family in 2018 has been the reorganization and growth of our small groups. Covering a wide range of interests and serving in a variety of ways, these groups have facilitated great opportunities to spend time with our brothers and sisters in Christ, become acquainted with new members, and minister to needs within our church family.
Throughout the month of December, you have the opportunity to change what group(s) you are a part of or get plugged into a group for the first time. A new bulletin board exclusively for our groups has been hung in the A-Hallway. Please take the time to indicate changes you would like to make for 2019 or sign up for any of these upcoming opportunities:
- Encouragement Group 1 (led by Josh Scalf) and Group 2 (led by Chris Quinn): most similar to our traditional “work groups,” these groups will focus on encouraging and helping members who are in need, as well as following-up with guests. Group meetings will be at the church building and in homes.
- The Seniors Group (led by Daron Stockton): this group gives members an opportunity to engage with the senior citizens of our church family. Focus will be on visiting and helping those who are shut-in, showing hospitality to senior members, and attending to the physical and spiritual needs of the “living treasures” that can teach us so much from their life experience.
- The New Members Group (led by Danny Adams & David Lord): in a large congregation, it’s easy for new members to feel overwhelmed. If we’re not careful, they can easily get lost in the shuffle. This group will focus on welcoming, getting to know, and connecting the new faces among us into the life of our church family.
- The College Group (led by Jerold Hoke & Jimmy Polk): this group will focus on supporting, teaching, and encouraging our college-age members—those who are local and going to school out-of-town. This group will facilitate young adult studies and coordinate opportunities for our college-age members to serve others.
- The Singing Group (led by Jeremy Jackson & Mike Jeffers): this group is for those who love to sing and serve others. This group will gather to practice new songs, give young or inexperienced song leaders the opportunity to learn, and coordinate singings in nursing homes and the homes of those who are shut-in.
- The Morning Deeper Bible Study Group (led by Jason Hardin): will meet twice a month on Tuesday mornings (10:30 AM) at the church building. In January-March, this group will study Beyond the Veil: The Tabernacle, The Temple, and the Transforming Glory of the LORD. In April, the group will pivot to watch Appian Media’s newest video series Searching for a King: Israel’s United Kingdom.
- The Evening Deeper Bible Study Group (led by Bob Quinn): will meet once a month on Friday evenings in various homes. This group will continue their study of Hebrews through May 2019.
- The Reading Group (led by Roger Shouse): this group is starting fresh in January. The group will have a set amount of time to read a set number of chapters of a selected book and periodically get together to talk about what they’ve read. The first book: Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book About a (Really) Big Problem.
Sign-up sheets for each group are posted on the bulletin board in the A-Hallway. While opportunity to sign up will extend throughout December, space is naturally limited in some groups that plan on regularly meeting in homes. The sooner you can sign up, the better.
- “Can I sign up for more than one group?” Absolutely. Please feel free to sign up for as many groups as you are willing to participate in.
- “How often will the groups meet?” That is completely up to the group leader. If you’re interested in a specific group, please don’t hesitate to ask the leader for details.
Any other questions? Feel free to ask Daron Stockton, a group leader, or one of our shepherds. We’re excited about these opportunities and hope you’ll make the most of them!