The lady’s voice on my GPS is quite annoying. For one reason, she over uses the word “recalculating.” I like the British version better because of the accent (although it sounds like you’re being reprimanded by Mary Poppins). A southern version would be even better: “Hey Hon! Why don’t you turn RITE and pull over for some BBQ and sweet tea?” Now you’re [GPS] talking.
I’m fascinated with the story of Israel and their trek from Egypt to the Promised Land. Throughout Exodus and Numbers, they had the ultimate GPS: “God’s Positioning System.” A reading of Numbers 9:15-23 seems quite clear:
- “…as long as the cloud settled over the tabernacle, they remained camped” (v. 18b).
- “…whenever the cloud was lifted, they would set out” (v. 21b).
- “At the command of the LORD they camped, and at the command of the LORD they set out…” (v. 23).
The cloud stayed, they stayed. The cloud moved, they moved. GPS simple.
Did you know God has a GPS journey for you? In the New Testament, it’s sometimes called a “race” and it is a unique course designed just for you. “Let us run the race set before us…” (Heb 12:1). The problem: we compare races. “How come I’m struggling on a dirt road filled with pot holes and she’s cruising down the freeway at seventy?”
Or, we seek to short-circuit the track. Whoever thought of showing up at a marathon and questioning the layout of the race? “I’m not running over there… There are too many hills… It makes more sense to me if…” If you want to compete in the race, you show up and run “the race that is set before you.”No shortcuts. It’s the same with this race. After all, “My ways are not your ways…” (Isa 55:8-9).
You have your own GPS with a journey that is uniquely yours. Regardless of the path of your journey, God promises to always “position” Himself next to you. “I will never leave you…” “Never” is a big word and one God is qualified to use. In fact, it’s a promise He makes to all His children (Deut 31:6,8; Heb.13:5).
Best news of all: His positioning system will take you exactly where you need to go.
Trust Him. Read the Book. Pray for wisdom. Seek counsel from those who’ve walked a long way in the faith-direction. Ask the question: “What behavior-attitude-action would best please Him?”
Journey on, beloved.