John 12: “Where I Am, There Will My Servant Be Also”
Today’s Bible reading is John 12. In the middle of the chapter, Jesus says something that ought to make us think.
“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” (John 12:26)
Take the time to meditate on those two sentences, pausing long enough to appreciate each phrase.
If anyone serves Jesus, he must follow him. It’s great to hear about him on Sunday morning, but on Monday morning, it’s time to follow him.
Where Jesus is–getting his hands dirty, spending time with the hurting, putting the needs of others before himself–there will his servant be also. Servants of Jesus don’t watch their Savior serve from a distance. They go with him. They serve alongside him, getting their own hands dirty.
Finally, the Father will honor the servant.
Where can you make a difference for Jesus today?