Psalm 11: Three Foundation Stones To Build Your Day Upon

Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 11 and it reveals three solid stones that can serve as a foundation for your day.
For the LORD is righteous;
he loves righteous deeds;
the upright shall behold his face. (Psa 11:7)
Foundation Stone #1 – God’s nature: my Creator is righteous.
Foundation Stone #2 – God’s will: my Creator loves righteous deeds.
Foundation Stone #3 – my choices: will they be “upright”? This matters because the upright “shall behold his face” and have nothing whatsoever to fear.
God is righteous. He loves righteous deeds. Upright men and women shall behold his face.
All of which leads to this question: will I choose, prioritize, treat others, and live in ways that my Creator would recognize as “right” today? If so, I’m building on solid rock. If not, I’m building on shifting sand.