Daily Bible Reading Reflections
Psalm 29: The Earth-Shaking, Life-Shaping Voice of God
Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 29. It encourages us to fearfully respect the voice of the LORD.
- The voice of the LORD is over the waters (v. 3)
- The voice of the LORD is powerful (v. 4)
- The voice of the LORD is full of majesty (v. 4)
- The voice of the LORD breaks the strongest cedars (v. 5)
- The voice of the LORD flashes forth flames of fire (v. 7)
- The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness (v. 8)
- The voice of the LORD strips the forests bare (v. 9)
God Almighty could crush every single one of us in an instant using nothing more than his voice.
But he hasn’t.
In fact, he has graciously invited us to use our voices to “ascribe” certain things to him. To “ascribe” is to give credit, to recognize, to think of something as rightfully belonging to someone. And so, David teaches us:
- Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength (v. 1)
- Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name (v. 2)
- Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness (v. 2)
You’ll use your voice a lot throughout the day, and that’s okay. Your voice is a God-given blessing. Be thankful for it. Most of all, don’t waste it by neglecting to use it for the very reason it was created–ascribing to the LORD the glory due his name.