The Rock That is Higher Than I
Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 61. It’s a short song of David–just 8 verses–but it contains a powerful phrase worth remembering and incorporating into your prayers today.
Lead me to the rock
that is higher than I. (Psa 61:2)
Getting to rocks that are “higher” takes work. Laziness and complacency must be left behind. We don’t accidentally reach greater heights. Uphill hikes are demanding, but they lead to a perspective and experience unlike anything in the valley of the status quo.
The rock of Psalm 61 is “higher,” no doubt, but the view and fellowship at the summit are worth the hike because God is on the mountaintop:
- The God who hears our cries and listens to our prayers (61:1).
- The God who recognizes and cares when our hearts are faint (61:2)
- The God who is willing and able to be our refuge and strong tower against the enemy (61:3)
- The God who offers a tent of shelter and protection to his people (61:4)
- The God who provides a heritage to those who fear his name (61:5)
- The God whose holy and awesome name is worthy of praise (61:8)
Lead me to the rock
that is higher than I. (Psa 61:2)
It’s an uphill hike and the majority are coasting downhill, but no man or woman who has ever reached the summit has been disappointed by the One who is calling from atop this solid rock.
The trailhead is easy to find and there’s plenty of room. Signs toward the summit abound and the trail has already been paved. Let’s set our minds on things above and take upward steps in his direction today.