“Therefore, Holy Brothers and Sisters…”
Today’s Bible reading is Genesis 17 and Hebrews 3.
It’s Monday. For most of us, it’s the first workday of a new workweek. For Christians, it’s the day after the Lord’s day. Disciples around the world commemorated Jesus’ death, offered sacrifices of praise, and stirred each other to love and good works on Sunday. But after Sunday comes Monday. If Sunday is the Lord’s day, maybe “Therefore day” is a good description for Monday.
“Therefore” is the first word in Hebrews 3.
Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, you who share in a heavenly calling… (Heb 3:1)
What a great phrase for the day after the Lord’s day. Taking into account what we observed, in view of the sacrifices of praise that we offered, the fruit of our lips that gratefully acknowledged his name, having stirred up each other to love and good works on Sunday… it’s “Therefore day.” We are brothers and sisters in the family of God. Called to be holy as our Father in heaven is holy. By his grace, we’ve been granted a share in his heavenly calling.
Therefore, holy brothers and sisters…
It’s time to walk the walk. Time to let our lights shine so that God may be glorified. It’s time to love our neighbors as ourselves. Time to apply.
May we faithfully follow on “Therefore day” the One we praised on the Lord’s day.