Daily Bible Reading Reflections

Titus 1: Denying What We Profess About God

Today’s Bible Reading is Titus 1.

In Titus 1:15-16, Paul warns Titus about some whose “minds and consciences” had become “defiled.”

They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works.

What a dangerous pitfall that continues to be a very real threat, even today, if:

  • I profess to know God, but I continue to “dabble” with sin
  • I profess to know God, but I don’t pray
  • I profess to know God, but I refuse to forgive others
  • I profess to know God, but I continue to fill my heart with filth
  • I profess to know God, but I’m more focused on chasing money
  • I profess to know God, but I don’t respect what he has said about marriage
  • I profess to know God, but I’m dishonest in my business dealings
  • I profess to know God, but I lead a completely different life when I’m out of town
  • I profess to know God, but I don’t share the news about him with those who are lost

May Titus 1 serve as a warning to us today. May we learn from the missteps of those who have come before us. May we profess to know God and demonstrate genuine faith by our works.

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