Jump Start #3740

Jump Start # 3740
Philippians 1:16 the latter do it out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel;
This week, we are taking a look at an old paperback hymn book published in 1914 called, “The New Gospel Songbook.” We began this little journey yesterday. This hymnal was published by the Firm Foundation Publishing house and was edited by brethren G. H. P. Showalter and Austin Taylor.
Today, we look at the hymn “At the Battle’s Front.” Both the lyrics and music was written by Mrs. C. H. Morris. Her real name was Lelia Nalor Morris. She used her husband’s initials, “C. H.” as was common in that day. She was born in 1862 and died in 1929. She was a Methodist hymnwriter with more than 1,000 songs to her credit.
At the Battle’s Front, was composed and published in 1906, just a decade before America got involved in World War I.
At the Battle’s Front
I’ve enlisted for life in the army of the Lord,
Tho’ the fight may be long and the struggle fierce and hard;
With the armor of God and the Spirit’s trusty sword
At the front of the battle you will find me
With the banner of love and of holiness unfurl’d,
Full salvation proclaim to a sinful, dying world;
Tho’ the darts thick and fast from the enemy be hurl’d,
At the front of the battle you will find me
Is your name, friend, enroll’d with the loyal ones and true?
Will you dare now to stand with the Saviour’s faithful few?
Will you join with me now and the covenant renew,
At the front of the battle you will find me
The Chorus: Hear the tramp! Tramp! Tramping of the army,
The triumph shouting,
The foe we’re routing;
Hear the tramp! Tramp! Tramping of the army,
Marching on to victory…
I’m in this army, this glorious army,
And the God of battles will defend me,
I’m in this army,
This glorious army,
At the front of the battle you will find me.
I can see young people liking this song and even stomping their feet at the “tramp, tramp, tramping” part. At the front of the battle you will find me. What a great declaration and absolute. Looking for me? You’ll find me at the front…at the front of the battle.
Some thoughts from this hymn:
First, some people do not know where they will be when the battle begins. They may be at the front, or they may be running away. They are not sure. They have to wait and see how things go. They haven’t made their minds up yet. Not this hymn. The mind was sure. I’ll be at the front.
Second, it is at the front where the most intense battle takes place. The front is not for cowards. The front is not for those who don’t know whose side they are on. The front is for the soldier. The front is where the fighting takes place. One may lose his life at the front. But, defending the Gospel, as our verse states today, is for those who are on the front.
The prophet who declared, “Here am I send me,” understood that he was heading to the thickest part of the battle. Far too many sit safely on the sidelines of faith. They want others to do the work. They want others to get in the mud. They want to remain safe and comfortable. It’s a shame to have deacons who rarely do anything for the kingdom. It’s a shame to have shepherds who follow the sheep, rather than lead.
At the front of the battle you will find me. At the front, showing others Jesus. At the front, teaching God’s word. At the front, defending the word and supporting the kingdom.
Third, the kingdom thrives today because of those who are willing to grab their gear and head to the front. It’s dangerous. It’s risky. It’s hard. But, it’s where they want to be. They want to help the Lord and His kingdom. It’s like a seasoned preacher who moves to a small struggling congregation. The work is lonely and hard. That’s the front of the battle. It’s the brave college student who will not sit quietly while an arrogant professor mocks and ridicules the God that she loves.
As fires have scorched the hills of California, many residents were told to flee. They were running away. But the brave fire fighters were heading to the intense flames. They were at the front of the battle. And, such it is for the disciple of Jesus. Many are running away, but we are headed straight to the front lines. As Jude says, “…snatching them out of the fire” (23). To do that, we must be close to the flames. We must be willing to reach out and save those who are nearly gone. Front of the battle is where this takes place.
All across this planet there are brave men and women who stand shoulder to shoulder at the front of the battle doing what they can.
Tramp! Tramp! Tramping of the army! Marching on to victory.
At the front of the battle you will find me.
I wish we still sang this hymn.