Jump Start #3751

Jump Start # 3751
Matthew 24:25 “Behold I have told you everything in advance.”
Our verse today is drawn from the tough chapter of Matthew 24. What makes this chapter so difficult is trying to figure out what the Lord is talking about. Some say it’s the second coming. Some say it’s the destruction of Jerusalem. Some say it’s a combination of both.
The chapter begins with the shocking revelation that the magnificent temple would one day lie in a crumbled mess. That was hard for anyone to fathom. Who would do this? How would God allow this? When would this happen?
In the midst of this discourse, we find layered four truths that help us in challenging times. We may not have Roman armies marching into our city to destroy a beloved temple of God, but we have fires out of control on the West Coast. We have toxic family members that never seem to get any better. We have beloved loves ones who are facing the end of their lives. The challenges are numerous. It can seem like life is a perpetual uphill climb.
These moments are more than just stressful. They can chip away at our faith. They can make us question what we have always believed. It’s the challenges in life that often pulls the rug from under our feet.
Four truths for challenging times:
First, Stay on course. Jesus warns of false Messiahs (Mt 24:5) and false messages (Mt 24:23-26). There is enough false information to confuse, deceive and change what we believe. The words of Jesus are, “See to it that no one misleads you” (4). Stay on course. You know what is right and true. The God in the sunshine is the same as the God in the midst of the storms. We do not travel through those valleys alone. “Thou art with me,” is the promise of God (Ps 23:4).
The danger that easily happens is that in the midst of the storm we start tossing overboard everything we once believed. Now, we are not so sure. Now, we simply do not know. And, it is in that weak and vulnerable condition that Satan takes over. See to it that no one misleads you. That’s up to us. That’s something we can do. You do this by knowing what is right and true. You do not have to know how crooked a stick is. Just place a straight stick beside it and you’ll know. Stick with what is true. Stay on course.
Second, keep going. Jesus says, “But the one who endures to the end, it is he who shall be saved” (24:13). Keep going. Some never leave the path, but what they do is sit down and stop. They no longer move forward. They can’t take any more. They lack endurance. They are ready to quit. They give up. The problems are too great for them. Keep going. There is no prize for those who quit. And, in quitting you won’t find relief or help from your problems. God is the answer. You need to stay with Him.
Third, pay attention. Focus. It’s easy to only see problems. Troubles have a way of grabbing our attention and taking our eyes off of Jesus. Jesus said in verse 42, “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” At the end of the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, we find a similar statement: “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour” (25:13). The distracted driver is likely to have a crash. And, the distracted disciple is likely to smash his faith.
Fourth, be ready. Jesus said, “But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into” (43). Be ready. The storms come. Be ready. Hardships happen. Be ready. Life can be difficult. Be ready to reach out to God. Be ready to encourage others. Be ready to ask for help. Be ready to pass through the dark valleys of life. Be ready.
Challenging times are part of life. Knowing how to face them and get through them well comes from the help of God.